Learning to forgive ourselves is a common theme in popular culture, but they tend to leave out what the forgiveness is based on.
Prosperity is an idol in our lives when we pursue money rather than God.
When we turn our hearts to God and submit to Him, God, who had already been looking for us, pours out His Spirit on us and gives us His wisdom. He is longing to support anyone whose heart is His!
Christians want to come to the Light and love the Light. We are striving to live for the truth and know Him.
As we live with a cheerful and willing mind to believe what God has said and not hesitate to act on it, our light shines brighter and brighter before this generation.
In certain particular times in the Scriptures, we see God using supernatural gifts in order to authenticate His message or His messenger.
The grace-gifts are necessary for the functioning of the Body of Christ. Believers, as good stewards, should look for ways to exercise their gifts.
I would agree that God has given man free will allowing him to make his own choice, but it does not mean that He leaves us alone. I think there is a confusion of what God’s role is here.
The Bible has a lot to say about how we handle wealth. In this article, we will focus on six biblical principles that provide general guidance.
Man’s attempt to produce desired traits in plants and animals by guided selection has been occurring for hundreds of years. What about in humans?