Nineveh repented, but I think some did believe and some probably did not. Certainly there were enough people repenting so that God spared the current generation from being destroyed.
The response of Nineveh indicates to us that they actually turned from their wickedness.
We may even think that no one deserves worship -not even God. If so, it is because we do not comprehend who our Creator really is.
We have to be careful to not use human standards to evaluate God’s actions. He is perfect and holy and cannot be compared to us, His creation.
God is committed to following through with His promises. He is dependable and reliable even though man is not dependable nor reliable.
As a Christian, what is our future hope? Certainly our hope is in the resurrection, but there are other facets of our future hope to consider.
We are weak without God, but He makes us strong. When we become strong by faith in Him, then we can navigate life righteously.
There is only one passage used to explain modern day dreams, which is from the prophet Joel.
Extraskeletal osteosarcoma is a fairly rare type of cancer where the mutated cells (cancer) attempt to grow bone in a soft tissue area.
In the book of Job, after Job endures some very intense trials, he comments to his wife, “Should I indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?”