Our Weapons

In this paper, we will look two divine weapons God has given to us: Taking every thought captive; and, Righteous living.

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Refined by Persecution

We can rejoice in our afflictions because it builds godliness and our hope develops. Our hope in God does not disappoint because of God’s love for us.

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Encourage One Another

A Christian’s confidence and certainty in God’s promises fuels their hope concerning that which cannot be seen or touched.

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Content with Money

You might think that when you have plenty, contentment will come automatically -not so. We must learn contentment in every financial situation we are in.

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Contentment is experienced when we depend on God, by faith, for our provision and trust Him.

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Christ vs Antichrist -Part 2

The life of Jesus has been given for us to pay our debt to God. Those rejecting His payment will pay their own way. The cost is either His lifeblood or our own lifeblood.

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Christ vs Antichrist -Part 1

The last part of Daniel chapter eleven reveals what many think is a parallel prophecy. Antiochus IV Epiphanes is thought to be a near fulfillment, while Antichrist is the subject in the far fulfillment in the end time.

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The Star of Jesus

Magi were led to the exact location of the Messiah by a star.

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The Real Christmas Story

The Christmas story starts being told very early in the Bible. It is mentioned in Genesis, and continues through to Revelation.

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