We do not know when Daniel’s prophecy will take place, only that they will happen just as God said. Our response is to be ready and look to the coming of Jesus with joyful anticipation.
This is the second part of a three part article covering Daniel’s prophecy in chapter 11 and 12 of the book of Daniel.
We may tend to see world events as random, but God is always working to accomplish His purposes.
There are things that can take our peace in God away from us. The good news is that we don’t have to let that happen.
The idea that we can affect the outcome of something by our superstitious action is a spiritual issue.
Believing false ideas about angels ignores the biblical truth that the devil is a real person. He and his evil angels want to destroy us.
God demonstrates to everyone in the world, and the heavenly realms, the outworking of His plan for His creation.
There are several verses in the Bible where angels are described as guarding, serving, or protecting people or nations.
The following chart shows Daniel’s description of his vision, and the explanation as given by Gabriel the angel.
God orchestrates the lives of men so they can learn of His love. God determines the times and limits of our lives so that we would look for Him and come to Him.