Paying Attention to the Right Thing

As someone who started asking the question, “Why am I here?” as a teenager, and still asks the question today, I am being given the answer. God patiently provides the answer, and I just need to pay attention to the right thing to see it.

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Don’t Be Afraid

God is the only one who has the power and authority to save or destroy. He is the one whom we should fear. The great news is that in His son, Jesus, fear is cast out and we can be at peace with Him.

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Jesus’ Second Coming or The Rapture

The next great event for believers is the Rapture of the Church. But the Second Coming of Jesus can be confused with the Rapture. So, I made the following chart to help show the differences.

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Purity of Thought

If we are uncontrolled in our thinking, we are vulnerable to the ‘beasts’ and ‘enemies’ from within and from without. We need the protection provided by the walls we erect for ourselves through controlling our thought life.

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Cure for Anxiety

We want peace in our lives. But to obtain peace, we must learn to trust God and not ourselves.

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Stability in the Faith

The Scriptures address the stability of our faith because there are many challenges against it.

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Gabriel the Angel

Gabriel the angel, a messenger from God, appears to three different people and is mentioned by name only four times in Scripture.

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Our Inheritance

Our inheritance is a living hope that gives life and helps propel us in our life of faith

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Forgetting and Remembering

Sometimes I get confused and remember what I should forget and forget what I should be remembering.

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The Insanity of Prosperity

Idolatry is not just worshiping an object such as a statue or celestial body like the sun.

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