Muslim Converts to Christianity

In his book, “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus,” Nabeel Qureshi tells the story of his journey and conversion to Christianity.

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Repent -God will hear

The good news is that we can be reconciled to God and that He will answer our prayers.

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Muslim Dreams

Based on the anecdotal stories, it appears that God is using dreams to bring people to Himself. It is not the dreams by themselves, but they seem to be one of the tools God uses.

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Dreams, Visions, and Trances

Since the earliest days of the Bible, God has used dreams, visions, and trances to reveal truth about Himself.

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Dream Interpretation with Daniel & Joseph

This is a comparison of events surrounding Daniel and Joseph’s dream interpretations. Their stories have some similarities that make for an interesting study.

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Daniel Honors God

Daniel’s commitment to follow God, and honor Him, caused him to do things a little different.

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God Uses Daniel

Daniel shows what it looks like to have a relationship with God.

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Revelation of God

God makes himself known to us by revealing truth about Himself to us. We can put these avenues of revelation about God into two different categories, general revelation, and special revelation.

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Built Up in the Faith

Paul’s sacrifice and service was all about the work of exciting, nourishing, and increasing the faith of those around him.

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Jesus Birth Prophesies

Tha prophesy that Jesus was a Nazarene was a sign of disrespect. It was seen as an insignificant city, and Jesus was stereotyped because he grew up in Nazareth.

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