More Money Myths from the Bible

I briefly answer two biblical myths: If you give, God will give back more; and Tithing Opens the Windows of Heaven.

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Money Myths from the Bible

Four money myths not taught in the Bible: Jesus says to give away all our money; Being poor is more godly than being rich; Money is the root of all evil; and, God wants you to be rich.

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The Deity and Humanity of Jesus

Jesus was fully God and fully man and demonstrated both while on Earth.

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Jesus: Earth and Heaven

Comparing the Heavenly with the Earthly picture of Jesus gives us insight into His sacrifice.

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Highly Exalted Son

Jesus is highly exalted because He delivered Himself to death in order to redeem mankind to God.

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Jesus Waited

If anyone had credentials to promote themselves, it would be Jesus, but He did not operate that way.

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Jesus’ Self-Emptying

Jesus, with all of His attributes as God, and at the same time a fully perfect human being, chose to set aside His privileges and take the form of a slave to redeem mankind.

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Early Hymns and Creeds

The early creeds and hymns played a part in forming the culture of the church and had the effect of helping believers resist worldly thinking.

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Drink Offering

The New Testament describes the Christian as both a priest and a sacrifice to God -a drink-offering if you will.

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Persevering in the Faith

Many times we do not know the godly positive impact we have on people until sometime later.

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