Spirit of Giving

God is faithful, and His word, the Bible, is full of wisdom that we can apply to our lives.

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Jesus’ Resurrection from the Dead

Jesus actually died on the cross, rose from the dead, then appeared to more than 500 people.

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Claims Evidence

Jesus fulfilled nearly 200 prophecies to prove that He is the Son of God (Lord) and Son of Man (Savior).

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Fourfold Witness

It is significant that Jesus has these four witnesses bearing witness of Him in the Scriptures.

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Who is Jesus?

The Biblical account is very clear about who Jesus is. This is why the orthodox Christian faith is in a different category than any other religion.

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Tests for Ancient Documents

The New Testament is the most historically accurate and reliable document from all of antiquity!

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Darwinian Evolution Rejected

Two arguments point to an intelligent cause for the beginning of life, and call for a rejection of Darwinian Evolution.

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The Case for Christ

This paper will set forth some of the evidence that Jesus is the Savior of mankind, the Messiah.

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Spiritual Assurances

Assurance of salvation in a believer’s life can be a great encouragement for them as they live for Christ.

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