Category: Culture/Ethics

Angels -Part 1

Believing false ideas about angels ignores the biblical truth that the devil is a real person. He and his evil angels want to destroy us.

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Angels -Part 2

God demonstrates to everyone in the world, and the heavenly realms, the outworking of His plan for His creation.

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Angels -Part 3

There are several verses in the Bible where angels are described as guarding, serving, or protecting people or nations.

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Cure for Anxiety

We want peace in our lives. But to obtain peace, we must learn to trust God and not ourselves.

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Muslim Converts to Christianity

In his book, “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus,” Nabeel Qureshi tells the story of his journey and conversion to Christianity.

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Muslim Dreams

Based on the anecdotal stories, it appears that God is using dreams to bring people to Himself. It is not the dreams by themselves, but they seem to be one of the tools God uses.

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Persevering in the Faith

Many times we do not know the godly positive impact we have on people until sometime later.

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Darwinian Evolution Rejected

Two arguments point to an intelligent cause for the beginning of life, and call for a rejection of Darwinian Evolution.

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Remember to Forgive

Learning to forgive ourselves is a common theme in popular culture, but they tend to leave out what the forgiveness is based on.

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Genetic Revolution

Man’s attempt to produce desired traits in plants and animals by guided selection has been occurring for hundreds of years. What about in humans?

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