Category: Nature of God

Fear of the Future

We can trust God to do good since we are His creation. As the Psalmist says, “How great is Thy goodness, which Thou hast stored up for those who fear Thee.” (Psalm 31:19)

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Jesus Identifies Himself as Lord

The Bible reveals and demonstrates that Jesus is the One Lord God. Jesus also identifies Himself to be the Lord.

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We may even think that no one deserves worship -not even God. If so, it is because we do not comprehend who our Creator really is.

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God’s Wrath

We have to be careful to not use human standards to evaluate God’s actions. He is perfect and holy and cannot be compared to us, His creation.

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God’s Compassion

God is committed to following through with His promises. He is dependable and reliable even though man is not dependable nor reliable.

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Hope of the Resurrection

As a Christian, what is our future hope? Certainly our hope is in the resurrection, but there are other facets of our future hope to consider.

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Christ vs Antichrist -Part 2

The life of Jesus has been given for us to pay our debt to God. Those rejecting His payment will pay their own way. The cost is either His lifeblood or our own lifeblood.

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Christ vs Antichrist -Part 1

The last part of Daniel chapter eleven reveals what many think is a parallel prophecy. Antiochus IV Epiphanes is thought to be a near fulfillment, while Antichrist is the subject in the far fulfillment in the end time.

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The Star of Jesus

Magi were led to the exact location of the Messiah by a star.

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The Real Christmas Story

The Christmas story starts being told very early in the Bible. It is mentioned in Genesis, and continues through to Revelation.

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