Category: Nature of God

God’s Lavish Love

God orchestrates the lives of men so they can learn of His love. God determines the times and limits of our lives so that we would look for Him and come to Him.

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Paying Attention to the Right Thing

As someone who started asking the question, “Why am I here?” as a teenager, and still asks the question today, I am being given the answer. God patiently provides the answer, and I just need to pay attention to the right thing to see it.

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Gabriel the Angel

Gabriel the angel, a messenger from God, appears to three different people and is mentioned by name only four times in Scripture.

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God’s Patience

The reason for God’s delay in judging the wicked demonstrates His patience. He is giving time for repentance..

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Delayed Judgment

God is merciful and patient with mankind. He allows time for us to turn to Him and find life!

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Attributes of God

Understanding God better will be an eternal pursuit, because He is eternal.

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Repent -God will hear

The good news is that we can be reconciled to God and that He will answer our prayers.

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Muslim Dreams

Based on the anecdotal stories, it appears that God is using dreams to bring people to Himself. It is not the dreams by themselves, but they seem to be one of the tools God uses.

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God Uses Daniel

Daniel shows what it looks like to have a relationship with God.

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Revelation of God

God makes himself known to us by revealing truth about Himself to us. We can put these avenues of revelation about God into two different categories, general revelation, and special revelation.

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