Category: Nature of God
Tha prophesy that Jesus was a Nazarene was a sign of disrespect. It was seen as an insignificant city, and Jesus was stereotyped because he grew up in Nazareth.
Jesus was fully God and fully man and demonstrated both while on Earth.
Comparing the Heavenly with the Earthly picture of Jesus gives us insight into His sacrifice.
Jesus is highly exalted because He delivered Himself to death in order to redeem mankind to God.
If anyone had credentials to promote themselves, it would be Jesus, but He did not operate that way.
Jesus, with all of His attributes as God, and at the same time a fully perfect human being, chose to set aside His privileges and take the form of a slave to redeem mankind.
Jesus actually died on the cross, rose from the dead, then appeared to more than 500 people.
Jesus fulfilled nearly 200 prophecies to prove that He is the Son of God (Lord) and Son of Man (Savior).
It is significant that Jesus has these four witnesses bearing witness of Him in the Scriptures.
The Biblical account is very clear about who Jesus is. This is why the orthodox Christian faith is in a different category than any other religion.