Category: Nature of God

The Case for Christ

This paper will set forth some of the evidence that Jesus is the Savior of mankind, the Messiah.

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Spiritual Assurances

Assurance of salvation in a believer’s life can be a great encouragement for them as they live for Christ.

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God’s Authenticating Gifts

In certain particular times in the Scriptures, we see God using supernatural gifts in order to authenticate His message or His messenger.

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The Gentleman Spirit?

I would agree that God has given man free will allowing him to make his own choice, but it does not mean that He leaves us alone. I think there is a confusion of what God’s role is here.

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Jesus is the Kyrios (Lord)

Jesus has demonstrated that He is worthy of being the Lord of all creation, both of the living and the dead.

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Christ Humbled Himself

The self-emptying of Christ was an act of humility, where Jesus humbled Himself for His creation. We are the beneficiaries, as is all mankind, of His love for us.

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