Category: Nature of Man
We will see in this paper that anyone can be deceived at any time.
Even as Christians, we can lapse in our thinking and put ourselves under fear again. This is a silly thing to do.
The response of Nineveh indicates to us that they actually turned from their wickedness.
We are weak without God, but He makes us strong. When we become strong by faith in Him, then we can navigate life righteously.
Extraskeletal osteosarcoma is a fairly rare type of cancer where the mutated cells (cancer) attempt to grow bone in a soft tissue area.
In the book of Job, after Job endures some very intense trials, he comments to his wife, “Should I indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?”
In this paper, we will look two divine weapons God has given to us: Taking every thought captive; and, Righteous living.
We can rejoice in our afflictions because it builds godliness and our hope develops. Our hope in God does not disappoint because of God’s love for us.
In Christ we can become spiritual giants!
A Christian’s confidence and certainty in God’s promises fuels their hope concerning that which cannot be seen or touched.