Category: The Book of Daniel

Refined by Persecution

We can rejoice in our afflictions because it builds godliness and our hope develops. Our hope in God does not disappoint because of God’s love for us.

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Christ vs Antichrist -Part 2

The life of Jesus has been given for us to pay our debt to God. Those rejecting His payment will pay their own way. The cost is either His lifeblood or our own lifeblood.

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Christ vs Antichrist -Part 1

The last part of Daniel chapter eleven reveals what many think is a parallel prophecy. Antiochus IV Epiphanes is thought to be a near fulfillment, while Antichrist is the subject in the far fulfillment in the end time.

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Antiochus to Antichrist -Part 3

We do not know when Daniel’s prophecy will take place, only that they will happen just as God said. Our response is to be ready and look to the coming of Jesus with joyful anticipation.

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Antiochus to Antichrist -Part 2

This is the second part of a three part article covering Daniel’s prophecy in chapter 11 and 12 of the book of Daniel.

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Antiochus to Antichrist -Part 1

We may tend to see world events as random, but God is always working to accomplish His purposes.

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The Ram & The Goat

The following chart shows Daniel’s description of his vision, and the explanation as given by Gabriel the angel.

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Handwriting on the Wall

The king’s face grew pale, and his thoughts alarmed him; and his hip joints went slack, and his knees began knocking together.

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Daniel’s Reputation

Throughout Daniel’s life in the Babylonian court, he demonstrates that his faith in God gives him access to wisdom better than those around him.

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