Category: The Book of Jonah

Jonah’s Mission

Most everything that Jonah needed for his mission applies to us today.

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Jonah Obeys?

Jonah’s initial disobedience and opposition did not stop God from accomplishing His will.

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Nineveh Victory

God desires a relationship with His creation and goes to great efforts to bring us to Him.

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Individuals and the Whole

This article focuses on whether every Ninevite believed, or more likely, most of the people. Plus, there are some exceptions.

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Believing Ninevites

Nineveh repented, but I think some did believe and some probably did not. Certainly there were enough people repenting so that God spared the current generation from being destroyed.

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Nineveh Revival

The response of Nineveh indicates to us that they actually turned from their wickedness.

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God’s Compassion

God is committed to following through with His promises. He is dependable and reliable even though man is not dependable nor reliable.

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