Category: The Word of God

Antiochus to Antichrist -Part 2

This is the second part of a three part article covering Daniel’s prophecy in chapter 11 and 12 of the book of Daniel.

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Antiochus to Antichrist -Part 1

We may tend to see world events as random, but God is always working to accomplish His purposes.

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Angels -Part 1

Believing false ideas about angels ignores the biblical truth that the devil is a real person. He and his evil angels want to destroy us.

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Angels -Part 2

God demonstrates to everyone in the world, and the heavenly realms, the outworking of His plan for His creation.

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Angels -Part 3

There are several verses in the Bible where angels are described as guarding, serving, or protecting people or nations.

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The Ram & The Goat

The following chart shows Daniel’s description of his vision, and the explanation as given by Gabriel the angel.

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Jesus’ Second Coming or The Rapture

The next great event for believers is the Rapture of the Church. But the Second Coming of Jesus can be confused with the Rapture. So, I made the following chart to help show the differences.

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Confronted by Jesus

God wants us to put our faith in Him. He allows us to grow, and sometimes uses circumstances to stretch our faith.

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Confrontational Truth

How can we present Biblical truths so that they are not more confrontational than they need to be?

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Dreams, Visions, and Trances

Since the earliest days of the Bible, God has used dreams, visions, and trances to reveal truth about Himself.

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