Category: The Word of God

Dream Interpretation with Daniel & Joseph

This is a comparison of events surrounding Daniel and Joseph’s dream interpretations. Their stories have some similarities that make for an interesting study.

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Daniel Honors God

Daniel’s commitment to follow God, and honor Him, caused him to do things a little different.

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Jesus Birth Prophesies

Tha prophesy that Jesus was a Nazarene was a sign of disrespect. It was seen as an insignificant city, and Jesus was stereotyped because he grew up in Nazareth.

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Early Hymns and Creeds

The early creeds and hymns played a part in forming the culture of the church and had the effect of helping believers resist worldly thinking.

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Tests for Ancient Documents

The New Testament is the most historically accurate and reliable document from all of antiquity!

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Authenticity of the book of Daniel

Until the discovery of the Nabonidus Cylinder, no mention of Belshazzar, whom Daniel declares to be king of Babylon, had been found in extra-biblical literature. Critics of the authenticity and historicity of Daniel questioned whether any such person as Belshazzar existed.

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