A quick browsing of the internet reveals a plethora of man centered perspectives on the subject of Thanatophobia. I checked out several of the top hits in my search, and found the following. The site 1 but that they typically start early in life. The causes are not clear to them, but they give us a list. Under the heading ‘Causes’, they only list one item: “The Role of Religion”. They go on to explain that the research shows there is only a weak tie between death anxiety and religiosity. They suggest if that is the case for you, you might go talk to your religious leader. Then they add, “However, this should never be used to replace traditional mental health counseling.”
Another site suggests that you should use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.2 They conclude, “There is no clear way to deal with the thought of the death of yourself or of others. So why not live our lives being productive?”3 They do not know how to deal with the fear of death. Not only that, their suggestion to ‘be productive’ seems equivalent to telling us to just move along. Don’t ask the question! Their answer is hollow and does not give meaning to life.
The problem with these views is that they are using man’s wisdom. They ignore the wisdom that comes from the God who created us. If you can accept the notion that we are created beings, then doesn’t it make sense to find out what our Creator has to say on the subject? These folks talk about the role of religion, but they tell us that it may only be a little help. Instead, they say that you can, and should, depend on man’s wisdom for the answers. I disagree. God’s wisdom is higher than man’s, because He created us. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.4 His wisdom gives answers that are not hollow and provide meaning for our lives.
Escape Slavery
So, should you fear death? Absolutely! We are eternal beings and going into eternity after dying should be fearful if we are not ready. We are in slavery because of the fear of death during our lives on earth. Hebrews 2:14b-15 tells us that,
“Through death He [Jesus] might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil; and might deliver those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives.”
The only real escape from slavery, and gaining peace from the fear of death, is to know the One who conquered death. (He is the only one, by-the-way!)
Jesus conquered death and sin when He died on the cross. Jesus raised from the dead giving proof of His power over death, and He lives today. (For more information about Jesus, please see my article, The Case for Christ.) Jesus’ victory over death breaks our slavery to the fear of death. We can also have peace in our hearts knowing that we are ready for eternity after we die.
The fear of death and the anxiety it causes can be solved by turning to Jesus and being reconciled to God. We do not need to be estranged from Him any longer. If we turn our hearts toward Him, He has promised that He will not reject us. Only then can we escape the fear of death and have peace through Him!
God will answer our prayer if we call on Him. For more on this, see my post, Repent -God will hear.
I have written on the one that should be feared in my article, Don’t Be Afraid. I also write about not living in fear in the post, Living in Fear.
1 4/21/22
2 “(CBT) is a short-term form of psychotherapy directed at present-time issues and based on the idea that the way an individual thinks and feels affects the way he or she behaves.” 5/11/22
3 4/21/22
4 Isaiah 55:8-9 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Neither are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.”